Artemis Sorras: I’ll tell you a fact that,… I live for the moment,….
that while seeing you all on your knees….
that while seeing you all on your knees….
And although I could have showed up and have all kneeling in front of me…. “such ability-possibility I possess”…
and that is in fact exactly what “the others” wanted me to do with all their proposals and so called DEALS…
I have made my decisions and the fact “EXCITES” me…
That all “those” who you consider as “big and important”… I’ll prove to you that they’re nothing more than….”bip”…..”bip”… And all those you think are sitting in so called “high places”… they’ll come to kneel in frond of your feet.!!!
So my fellow brother and fellow ELLIN… I’ve come to pull you up from you’re kneeling position “which you are in”, and you should “NEVER” allow your self to be there….
The Ellenic genus never kneeled not even to GODs… We always stared all directly in the eyes… As a matter of fact we the Ellines even opposed the GODs (on many occasions) to find-understand our Godly strength we always bear incite us….
…so I’ll make you stand up straight and I’ll have those animals kneeling before you.!!
This fact “excites” me greatly,… I’ve made my choises… simply because it’s what I have to do.!!!
If yoy don’t realize that yet…. well it’s your FREE WILL… so it’s basically up to you… But with your right for causalıty of how you want your self to be.
If my fellow Ellines don’t want that, let them tell me just that.!!
on the other hand… I call them all to come to the “E.SY NGOs” and all together as one, decide to order me to constract their Body-Entity… and from there we’ll get-take our “freedom”…. And I’ll finance everything… And I’ll finance everything, even though my fellow Ellines have their own money but their so called managers purposely ignore it.!!
Who’ll be your tomorrows director of these assets-amounts?? How will you (the people) “tomorrow” run all this intelligently??
I have it already set up for you… come and check it with your own intellect…
[Mr Sorra thank you for….]…
I – we all want a complete change… the “ELLINON STATE”.!! That’s a fact which I-we all will complete (no matter what and no matter the cost) so let’s do it and….
At least even though there’s no chance of failure… It’ll be our own responsibility, our own choice.!! …Basically EVERYTHING else has failed, everywhere-anyhow.!!
ALL HAVE FAILED… dogmas – political parties – ideologies…
and that is in fact exactly what “the others” wanted me to do with all their proposals and so called DEALS…
I have made my decisions and the fact “EXCITES” me…
That all “those” who you consider as “big and important”… I’ll prove to you that they’re nothing more than….”bip”…..”bip”… And all those you think are sitting in so called “high places”… they’ll come to kneel in frond of your feet.!!!
So my fellow brother and fellow ELLIN… I’ve come to pull you up from you’re kneeling position “which you are in”, and you should “NEVER” allow your self to be there….
The Ellenic genus never kneeled not even to GODs… We always stared all directly in the eyes… As a matter of fact we the Ellines even opposed the GODs (on many occasions) to find-understand our Godly strength we always bear incite us….
…so I’ll make you stand up straight and I’ll have those animals kneeling before you.!!
This fact “excites” me greatly,… I’ve made my choises… simply because it’s what I have to do.!!!
If yoy don’t realize that yet…. well it’s your FREE WILL… so it’s basically up to you… But with your right for causalıty of how you want your self to be.
If my fellow Ellines don’t want that, let them tell me just that.!!
on the other hand… I call them all to come to the “E.SY NGOs” and all together as one, decide to order me to constract their Body-Entity… and from there we’ll get-take our “freedom”…. And I’ll finance everything… And I’ll finance everything, even though my fellow Ellines have their own money but their so called managers purposely ignore it.!!
Who’ll be your tomorrows director of these assets-amounts?? How will you (the people) “tomorrow” run all this intelligently??
I have it already set up for you… come and check it with your own intellect…
[Mr Sorra thank you for….]…
I – we all want a complete change… the “ELLINON STATE”.!! That’s a fact which I-we all will complete (no matter what and no matter the cost) so let’s do it and….
At least even though there’s no chance of failure… It’ll be our own responsibility, our own choice.!! …Basically EVERYTHING else has failed, everywhere-anyhow.!!
ALL HAVE FAILED… dogmas – political parties – ideologies…
THE WHOLE PLANET HAS FAILED and is BANK ROBBED and all Countries on it are dying..!!
So tell me which Country is in good state?? Which one has a good prosperous system?? Which Country has good policy?? Which Country has good economy?? “NONE”.!!!
Well then… gentlemen (PLANET Managers), you’ve all FAILED.!!
[Mr Sorra… thank you very much…]
So tell me which Country is in good state?? Which one has a good prosperous system?? Which Country has good policy?? Which Country has good economy?? “NONE”.!!!
Well then… gentlemen (PLANET Managers), you’ve all FAILED.!!
[Mr Sorra… thank you very much…]
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